Vibiemme Domobar Service and Maintenance

Regular servicing of your Vibiemme home espresso machine is recommended to keep it in excellent working condition. We can clean, service, or repair your Vibiemme domobar espresso coffee machine to keep it in perfect working condition. Whether you are after a routine tune-up and clean, or your machine is not working like it used to we are here to help. If you have any questions or are after a few pointers we can also help out as part of the service process.

What is included?

  • Remove the shower scrreen and clean the group
  • Replace the showerscreen and filter seal
  • Clean and backflush the brewing group
  • Clean all external parts (filterholder, filter baskets, drip tray, water reservoir,  steam wand, milk frother)
  • Professional Descale
  • Test and adjust the boiler pressure and brewhead pump pressure
  • Reasseble and test the machine

Where are you located?

You can view our service locations here: Service Centres

What are your hours?

You can view opening hours for our service locations here: Service Centres

I live outside of Auckland, can I courier my machine to you for repair?

Yes, absolutely. You can view instructions for sending your machine to us here: Service via freight

I have a question about getting my machine serviced?

Great, we are happy to help, contact one of our service centres listed here: Service Centres